Swim Fest–The thrill! The suspense!

Every year it’s the same story.  The BIG family pulls out all the stops!  There must be 732 people in the immediate family alone. They are an organized and determined bunch.  I’ll give them that. Oh, they pretend to be nice.  They donate to all the houses under the pretext of being “fair,” but we all…

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Planes, Trains, Buses, Shuttles, Monorails But No Automobiles

We did it.  Thanks to grants from the Lower Colorado River Authority, parents, and a First Baptist Church of Woodworth, Woodworth, LA, we were able to travel to Walt Disney World for the National Down Syndrome Congress annual meeting and convention, taking 11 residents with Down syndrome to attend the simultaneous Youth and Adults with DS…

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“One More Day of Freedom”

Tuesday June 22 Yesterday we had another beautiful day at the beach. This time we brought umbrellas, mats, and folding chairs.  Kelly swam in a heavy T shirt to protect her from the relentless sun.  Despite frequent slatherings of high SPF sun screen, our skin tones are varying from lobster red to deepening tan.  By…

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The Campers Are Coming! The Campers Are Coming!

As Denise reminds us every time we see her, there are only 27 days left until Ranch Camp begins. In June the first 50 or so campers of the season will tumble out of cars, vans, and buses, ready for a week of fun, friends, and activities. Ranch Camp doesn’t get the respect it deserves.…

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