Snakes in the Chicken Hilton!

Mr. Pat shows Michael the proper way to hold a snake I missed it this morning, but there was quite a ruckus.  A snake was discovered in the Chicken Hilton when Lori and the team showed up.  Said snake was, ironically, snuggled up right against the cannister of snake repellent. It was a medium-size snake…

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Death Comes to the Chicken Hilton

Jerry holds hen just killed by hawk It had to happen sooner or later. I’d just walked out of the barn to go get my camera in the car, and saw a large hawk standing on the ground just the other side of one of the garden beds.  A blizzard of tiny feathers were streaming…

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Life is Complicated

Back in November Jerry and I promised Michael a date with Natalie for his birthday: a movie and dinner.  They wanted Kelly and Sterling to join them so off we went Tuesday afternoon and had a wonderful time. Then driving back home in the dark Michael began imitating “the GPS lady” as we approached the Ranch. Michael’s an incredible mimic…

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New Life at the Ranch!

New life at the Ranch! Oh boy my mother hen complex came in handy today! Got the call about 11:00 that our chicks had arrived at the Elgin post office and they were–ahem–ready to have them picked up. I snagged Matt out of Ranch Camp with Denise’s blessing.  Matt’s our main Chicken Wrangler and has…

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