Rebekah’s Smile II

Well, I promised Rebekah I’d put a tune to “Rebekah’s Smile,” the poem I wrote her last year for her 25th birthday.  You might recall she asked me about it after Kelly and I sang to her on her 26th birthday. But I couldn’t come up with a tune, and then Rebekah’s dad, Fr. John,…

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The Campers Are Coming! The Campers Are Coming!

As Denise reminds us every time we see her, there are only 27 days left until Ranch Camp begins. In June the first 50 or so campers of the season will tumble out of cars, vans, and buses, ready for a week of fun, friends, and activities. Ranch Camp doesn’t get the respect it deserves.…

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Selena Mania!

In March I chanced to read an article in the Texas Monthly commemorating the 15th anniversary of  the death of Mexican-American singer Selena.  I did remember when she was killed, but had seen her at the time as a minor pop singer in whom mostly young people would be interested. Needless to say, the article…

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Time to Call it a Day

Okay, the party’s over, and it was a grand success.Were there glitches? Oh, yes. However, they were not ones that were apparent to the assembled crowd, which overfilled the Parish Hall at St. William, and that’s a mercy. Within the hall itself magic happened. The food from Southside was wonderful, as always. The sound system…

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