caring friend choice

See Me as Caring – Morgan

Name: Morgan
Age: 42
Rancher Since: August 2011
Favorite Hobby: Hanging with friends

From a young age, Morgan has displayed the utmost kindness and concern for others. In primary school, her teachers would call her “little mother” because she was always caring for the other students and making sure they were happy. As Morgan grew up, her care and compassion for others continued. Early on in high school, she became friends with someone who used a wheel chair. For four years, Morgan made it her duty to go the extra mile for her friend, helping her navigate the school, holding doors open and assisting her in any way she could. To this day, when Morgan sees someone elderly or in a wheelchair, she instinctively rushes to their aid, ready to assist them however she can. When asked how caring for others makes her feel, she responded with a huge grin, “Great!” ❤️

The SEE ME campaign is aimed at sharing the true identities and talents of the Ranchers at Down Home Ranch. This campaign showcases the unique stories of those we serve and gives readers an inside look into their life at #DownHomeRanch.