see me as a helper

See Me as a Helper – Nathan

Aimed at sharing the true identities and talents of the Ranchers at DHR, the SEE ME campaign showcases the unique stories of those we serve and gives readers an inside look into their life at Down Home Ranch. Follow along as we tell you the story of  Nathan…

Name: Nathan
Age: 34
Rancher Since: April 2018
Favorite Hobby: Hidden Picture Books

The happiest people are the ones that help others and, as you can tell from the size of his smile, Nathan loves to help! Friends and family would say that he is truly in tune with his surroundings, able to sense when help is needed and act on it, no matter the task. Whether it is carrying your bags or taking out the trash, Nathan jumps at every opportunity to assist someone in need! After each of his art classes, Nathan will pick up art supplies, organize his fellow artists’ artwork and make sure to give the art teacher a big hug before he leaves. It is this same altruistic nature that helped him land a job at Kohls over ten and a half years ago, guides him to volunteer twice a week at the Sacred Heart Food Pantry and allows him to truly thrive in service to others. Even when the task may be new or something that he may not know how to fully do, Nathan’s strong desire to help pushes him to try. When asked if helping others makes him feel good, Nathan give you a big “Ohhhh yeahhh!”