see me as a weather specialist

See Me as a Weather Specialist – Kyle

Aimed at sharing the true identities and talents of the Ranchers at DHR, the SEE ME campaign showcases the unique stories of those we serve and gives readers an inside look into their life at Down Home Ranch. Follow along as we tell you the story of Kyle… 

Name: Kyle
Age: 34
Rancher Since: December 2009
Favorite Hobby: Stencil Art

“Storms are nice to look at because God created that for the earth.” 🌎

Kyle first became interested in the weather when he was young. Watching the movie Twister (over and over!) is one of his fondest memories. When Kyle became the official Weather Specialist for the Rancher Monthly class, he was thrilled! Every Monday, Kyle researches the week’s forecast using the Weather Channel app. He then writes out the expected weather for the week ahead and shares it across the Ranch. Kyle prides himself on being a weather resource for his peers and is always excited to share his knowledge with them! When asked why he enjoys being the Weather Specialist, he explains that it makes him feel good to know people are safe. Kyle’s favorite kind of weather is a nice, soft rain because he finds the sound very soothing. Living on a Ranch, Kyle will tell you that “Rain is a part of Texas life, to keep things wet and not too dry!” 🌦