see me as an equestrian

See Me as an Equestrian – Vicki

Aimed at sharing the true identities and talents of the Ranchers at DHR, the SEE ME campaign showcases the unique stories of those we serve and gives readers an inside look into their life at Down Home Ranch. Follow along as we tell you the story of Vicki… 

Name: Vicki
Age: 61
Rancher Since: May 2018
Favorite Hobby: Playing Checkers on the Computer

The old saying goes that one must “Get back in the saddle” and that is precisely what Vicki did when she joined the DHR family last year.

Vicki began riding horses when she was a teenager, learning to ride western for five years. After her lessons stopped, Vicki didn’t get back on a horse for nearly 40 years – until she became a DHR Rancher! Vicki currently takes lessons at Healing with Horses Ranch every Tuesday in Manor, TX. During her lesson, an equine professional works with Vicki to develop a strong relationship between her and her favorite horse Apple. Vicki is taught basic horsemanship, grooming techniques and trail riding practices. Her favorite part about riding is the feeling she gets when first mounting her horse. She feels a rush of excitement every time she starts her ride. Her personal goal for riding is to learn how to gallop and she is confident that once she gains better balance on her horse, she will surely get there!