see me as a friend

See Me as a Friend – John

Aimed at sharing the true identities and talents of the Ranchers at DHR, the SEE ME campaign showcases the unique stories of those we serve and gives readers an inside look into their life at Down Home Ranch. Follow along as we tell you the story of John…

Name: John
Age: 60
Rancher Since: October 2016
Favorite Hobby: Bowling

When John was asked what he appreciates most about himself, he quickly said “Being a good friend.” Before moving to Down Home Ranch, John had one person he considered a true friend, but now he says he has more friends than he can count! This is no surprise since being a good friend comes naturally to John. He is always eager to ask about your day or check on you if you are feeling down. Knowing he is someone others can count on fills him with pride. When hanging with his friends, his favorite pastimes are taking walks around the Ranch, going to local festivals and sharing stories with each other over a meal. John would describe a true friend as someone who is nice to you, treats you with respect and gives you hugs when you need comfort. His response was heartwarming when asked who he considered his best friend on the Ranch. He responded with, “Well, everyone!”