see me as an entrepreneur

See Me as an Entrepreneur – Robert

Aimed at sharing the true identities and talents of the Ranchers at DHR, the SEE ME campaign showcases the unique stories of those we serve and gives readers an inside look into their life at Down Home Ranch. Follow along as we tell you the story of Robert…

Name: Robert
Age: 48
Rancher Since: April 2012
Favorite Hobby: Sewing

In 2017, Robert had an idea. He wanted a way to make a few extra dollars and thought that sewing might be the ticket (and boy was he right!). Robert learned to sew a few years ago when he discovered a sewing machine here on the Ranch. A volunteer taught him the basics and he has sewn his way through countless projects since then.

After finding his niche in sewing tote bags, Robert perfected his trade and made his first tote bag sale in May 2018. Since then, he has sold 88 tote bags at numerous Farmer’s markets and online through the DHR Etsy store – so far shipping throughout Texas and across state lines to Illinois, Michigan, Florida and California. He is a great salesperson who states that his aim is “to make a product I can sell to people who will love them!”

Robert believes that an entrepreneur is someone who is a hard worker and someone willing to spend all their free time working. If you are considering becoming an entrepreneur Robert says, “Go for it! If you make a mistake you can always go back and do it again!”