see me as a speaker

See Me as a Speaker – Kristen

Aimed at sharing the true identities and talents of the Ranchers at DHR, the SEE ME campaign showcases the unique stories of those we serve and gives readers an inside look into their life at Down Home Ranch. Follow along as we tell you the story of Kristen…

Name: Kristen
Age: 36
Rancher Since: 2008
Favorite Hobby: Crossword Puzzles

“Happy and special,” is how Kristen feels when she announces the Ranchers’ good deeds during the weekly DHR Village Council meetings. Kristen was elected the Village Council Spokesperson last year and loves telling people about her position. Village Council is a weekly opportunity for Ranchers to work together to identify and resolve issues in their community. As the Spokesperson, she makes lunch announcements, gives house chore updates and, her personal favorite, recognizes the good deeds of Ranchers. Throughout each week, she interviews her fellow Ranchers and collects around five good deeds she feels should be shared with her peer group. The next round of elections for council members will be held in spring 2019 and Kristen is already excited to prepare her speech for re-election!