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How long is the wait list for residential services?
Review the residency webpage to see current program openings. When a vacancy occurs, the residency interest list is consulted to find potential matches for the living situation and residential option available. All other factors being equal, a potential Rancher who has shown interest longer may not be offered programing before those who have been on the list…
What happens after an interest form is filled out?
Residency and Day Program – You won’t hear any update until there is an opening. However, we will periodically ask that you update the Day Program Interest Form or Residency Interest Form. Respite and other programs – You should receive an email or phone follow up within a few days of submitting the form. The…
Is admission based on level of need?
We do not have a specific criteria on a level of need that would exclude someone from admission. It is important for those interested in residency to complete a trial visit. The visit will help the family and the individual to evaluate if the Ranch is the right setting for them.