
See Me as a Volunteer – Brandon

Aimed at sharing the true identities and talents of the Ranchers at DHR, the SEE ME campaign showcases the unique stories of those we serve and gives readers an inside look into their life at Down Home Ranch. Follow along as we tell you the story of Brandon…

Name: Brandon
Age: 31
Rancher Since: 2018
Favorite Hobby: Track & Field Sports

Being able to volunteer through Down Home Ranch’s Volunteerism Program is a true joy for Brandon! He began serving as a volunteer when he was young and was very excited to learn more about this program when he became a Rancher last year. Brandon currently offers his time helping out at the Bastrop County Animal Control And Shelter, Sacred Heart Food Pantry and Elgin Nursing & Rehabilitation Center every single week! His favorite place to volunteer is at the nursing home where he plays bingo with the residents. He has even made a few new friends while helping out there! When asked why he enjoys volunteering, he responded, “To help a lot of people!”