Clueless in Central Texas

Someday I will write a job description covering every single item Jerry and I have had to develop some level of competence in while building Down Home Ranch, starting with trenching a sewer line (thank you yet again, St. David’s!) right on up through achieving licensure as an ICF-MR facility. (All in all, just between…

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Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Yesterday I took daughter Kelly to Wal-Mart to buy a new dvd player since hers had broken. (In case you weren’t aware, an emergency of the first order!) Half-way there Kelly asked me, “Why are we eating so healthy?”  So we started talking about weight, and health, and exercise–not for the first time by any means.  Most…

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That Extra Chromosome!

Kelly’s 25th birthday party in the Pavilion with all her buddies. On a recent trip to Kansas, at about mile #569 a voice chirps from the back seat: “Mom!” “What, Kelly?” “What does that extra chromo, chromso, chromodome do?”                                   Above: Karyotype Trisomy 21 She was talking of course, about the extra 21st chromosome that…

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Cold & Common Sense

Michael braves the chill! Common Sense January 7, 2009 The wind is howling, and the thermometer is dropping. The coldest temperature in ten years is predicted for tonight, so today will be spent getting ready. Every spigot, every potentially exposed pipe, a multitude of plants, and a Noah’s ark of animals must be protected. And…

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